Marisa Dewa

1 January, 2017

"It was a dark and stormy night..." If you see someone typing that on a random display laptop at a computer store, it'll probably be me. I love the tongue-in-cheekiness of it. It's my trademark test sentence. I use it to test the feel of the keyboard and to check out the appearance of my work on the screen.

So in case you hadn't noticed, it's been a while since I've posted anything. If you're wondering why now, the short answer is I just got a new laptop. I won't get into specs (except that no, it's not a Mac- I stopped using all apple computers years ago, with the exception of my phone and ipad) but suffice to say, it's gotten me to write this. It's been months since I've had the urge to put pen to paper, so to speak, but now that I'm typing this I realize how much I've missed the tactility of the keyboard.

What's happened in the interim? Life. Not a whole lotta writing (save one short story, which I'll publish around Halloween because it's that kind of story). I've also been doing practical things, like architecture...It's amazing how much time real life consumes, leaving so little of it to ruminate on or write about it. Plus, my old laptop was starting to fail, and more than figuring out new tech, I've learned that trying to fix old tech is even worse. It's taken some time to realize this, but here I am.

Technology can be a doozie. I just pulled up some of the old HTML files I wrote for this website and my eyes rolled back into my head. When did I have the tenacity to learn how to do this?? So yeah, technology. I pretty much dread it. Learning new tech makes me break out into a sweat and for all intents and purposes has tended to put a big kibosh on creating. Even the way a new interface looks throws me for a loop. I always think to myself, "I'm too old for this." I know, I know, I'm not actually that old. (Really) Maybe I'm just lazy, or jaded. Whatever. But like most people, I like shiny new objects, including laptops. Hence, the new post. New year, new post. It was now or never. We'll see how long my infatuation with this laptop lasts, how long my writing streak continues...or at least how long it'll be before I need to get a new one ;).